Monday, August 13, 2007

Three Weeks and Counting

School is about to start and I'm still thinking it's only July. Where did the summer go? I can bet we are all asking that question. I had goals, books to read, places to go, projects to complete. I have completed a big fat ZERO. BUT my kids and I have enjoyed our relaxing schedule with relaxing days doing whatever. It was a nice change to toss the schedule and planner this summer. We did alot of things we had never done before. I do have to admit that I have fewer pictures though. That's the only downside. Here's are some pictures of Savannah on a parade float with her dance studio. She was quite the waver as she passed us on the street. She danced to The Big Ship Lollipop by Shirley Temple.


Cindy F said...

What a cutie pie!

Jennifer Priest said...

Soooo cute!! Bet those will be fun pages to scrap. Love all her little curls.