Thursday, June 14, 2007

Today's the Day!!!

Well this is the last day of school. I can't wait to NOT have a schedule. I used to hate the summers because I have always been such a structured person. But now I look forward to the days at the beach with my feet in the sand. It's such a relaxing experience. (Expect for the fact my 7 year old is out too far jumping waves and my 5 year old is scared now she'll get eaten by a much for the National Geographic channel.) I can't wait to NOT get ready, go down to my "pit" and work on my pages. I'll have to post the results now that I am a blogger.

p.s. Does this count towards journaling??? You know, anything to multi task.


Jennifer Priest said...

Lazy days of summer are here! Love your blog and yes, this sounds just like journaling!

The pic your kids took of you is great!

Cindy F said...

Boy, do I ever hear ya! I love the freedom of summer. Enjoy!